MATLAB: Simulink Linear Analysis Not Available

controlcontrol designControl System ToolboxMATLABsimulinktransfer function

I'm currently running MATLAB R2018a on Mac, and I cannot access the Linear Analysis Tool on Simulink. I have a Simulink model, and I would like to use the Linear Analysis Tool and the Control System Designer. I have been following tutorials on to achieve this, and I noticed that all the tutorials launch the Linear Analysis Tool by selecting it from the Analysis > Control Design tab in Simulink. However, when I attempt to do this, I am only presented with one option: Model Discretizer, as seen in the photo below.
I have looked online about the system requirements, and I learned that I need "Control System Toolbox" installed in MATLAB. However, I do have Control System Toolbox installed, so I am unsure why this is not available to me.
If anyone has any insight on this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Best Answer

LInear analysis requires a Simulink Control Design license. Do you have a license for this?