MATLAB: “Simulink is not available” error message when compiling or packaging an app.

MATLABMATLAB CompilerOptimization Toolboxpackage app

Using the Matlab compiler ("deploytool") or the "Package App" option to create packages always fail with a "Simulink is not available" error message. Everything works fine if I use a 2015b installation. The package to be compiled does not contain any Simulink components or references to Simulink.
I cannot find any reference to this type of error. Any ideas?
Log file from the Production Server Compiler:
mcc -W CTF:calc_combined_v4 -U -d C:\LocalCopy\Belt_Calculation\BCP\BCP-webbased\Calculation_Combined\calc_combined_v4\for_testing -v C:\LocalCopy\Belt_Calculation\BCP\BCP-webbased\Calculation_Combined\calc_combined_v4.m
Compiler version: 7.1 (R2019b)
Dependency analysis by REQUIREMENTS.
Error while determining required deployable files. Compilation terminated. Details:
Error using <a href="matlab:matlab.internal.language.introspective.errorDocCallback('matlab.depfun.internal.SimulinkModelInspector', 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2019b\toolbox\matlab\depfun\+matlab\+depfun\+internal\SimulinkModelInspector.m', 11)" style="font-weight:bold">matlab.depfun.internal.SimulinkModelInspector</a> (<a href="matlab: opentoline('C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2019b\toolbox\matlab\depfun\+matlab\+depfun\+internal\SimulinkModelInspector.m',11,0)">line 11</a>)
Simulink is not avaiable.
mcc failed.

Best Answer

Dear Dirk,
The issue is most likely associated with licensing. The license administrator might have excluded the account from Simulink. You can ask your license administrator to do the same for Simulink_Compiler. Once that is done, the following command shall return 0 (before it would return 1):
>> license('test','Simulink_Compiler')
You can find your license administrator by following the steps here:
Another solution to disable the dependency analysis is to run the following command:
>> license('test','Simulink_Compiler','disable')
This will force the test checkout to be disabled.
Hope this helps resolve your query.