MATLAB: Simulink input output from m file


Given an input a=[1 2 3] in an m file.
how do I run simulink WITH THE INPUT? Please dont suggest using workspace.
the obvious way to run simulink is sim('model',..) but how do I insert my input? In fact, the depreciated method is exactly what I need..
[T,X,Y] =sim('model',Timespan, Options, UT)
where UT is a matrix of time and input, T, X,Y is output. This is just like a matlab function. If it is depreciated what is the equivalent way to do it? The new sim command has syntax
SimOut = sim('model', Parameters)
is there any way to place my input into parameters?

Best Answer

I suppose you could use the Input parameters to specify inputs with the ExternalInput property. You might also want to set 'SrcWorkspace' to 'current' if you want Simulink to look for those input variables in the calling function's workspace.