MATLAB: Simulink: Fit to View (Space) Programmatically


Hi everyone,
I developed my own utility to handle my Simulink models and I would like to execute the Fit to View command (Space shortcut in Simulink) when opening the models programmatically. Is there a way to do that with a MATLAB command or using a Java Robot is the only way right now?
(In case someone is interested in implementing this with Java:)
% Create Java Robot
jRobot = java.awt.Robot;
% Fit Simulink to View with jRobot
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Actually, you can do this with set_param.
You can either fit the entire system with
set_param(gcs, 'ZoomFactor','FitSystem')
or just what's currently selected with
set_param(gcs, 'ZoomFactor','FitSelection')