MATLAB: Simulink does not have Full-Precision Fixed Point Adders?!

adderfixed-pointfull precisionsimulinksimulink fixed point

It does not appear that Simulink will properly produce full-precision adders. For example: If I want to add 2 signals with data types:
sfix10_En6 –> Range [-8,8), Precision 2e-6
ufix10_En10 –> Range [0,1), Precision 2e-10
then Simulink will propagate the output data type of an adder to be:
sfix16_En6 –> Range [-512,511), Precision 2e-6
This is satisfactory for the range, but not for the precision. In order to get full precision out of the adder, I would expect the minimal propagated type to be:
sfix15_En10 –> Range [-16,16), Precision 2e-10
This is non-intuitive. I realize that one could pad fractional bits to the first signal to "line up" the binary point prior to adding. It is not clear that this is possible to do programmatically, though, without having full access to the Fixed-Point characteristics of bit width + fraction length at compile time. I could easily query the input data types and appropriately set the output type if the binary point values were available by the API.
Does anyone know of a plan to accommodate this feature?
Thank you, -Tim Koehler

Best Answer

It seems that the desired response is obtained by changing the following setting:
Model Properties --> Hardware Implementation --> Set device type to ASIC/FPGA.
Looks like I need a tutorial on all the hidden setting in the preferences menu!