MATLAB: Simulink: create struct with signal names


after the Simulink simulation I would like to have a structure that contains certain signal values. The simples way to do this is to mux all signals together and write them with the block "To Workspace". But here I loose the information about the signal names. Is there an solution to create a structure that contains all signal names? I thought the structure could look like this:
data.time = ...
data.speed = ...
data.dist = ...
Cheers, Frank

Best Answer

Do you want the output values at each time step or just final simulation value ?.
You can feed your bus output to a embedded matlab block. This bus object will appear as structure in embedded matlab block. In the block function you can write matlab code to save structure to workspace. For example
function fcn(Data)
To use buses in Embedded matlab function, bus objects must be defined in base workspace.
I think this can fullfil your need. Use data logging feature of simulink.
Goto Configuration Parameters -> Data Import/Export -> Check "Signal logging" -> Define any variable name say "LoggedData"
Right Click on Output bus -> set the prorerties as shown in image. Keep Show Propagated singals->on
After running the model a variable "LoggedData" will be created on workspace.
You can acsess you data as