MATLAB: Simulink Code Generation for mathematical funktions

code generationsimulinktarget files

Hi everybody,
I have to generate C Code from Simulink Model, I've started with simple Models. But unfortunately I couldn't see my desired result…
I put simply a constant as a Input and a display block as a Output. then in a Atomic Subsystem with a Gain block I multiply the input Value, and as a Result I see the answer in Display, this system works like a charm of course !
But if I generate it to C-Code, in C-script I cant see any mathematical function neither multiply nor my inputs/outputs.
I guess, I have to chance some parameters in properties, but for example just for this example what kind of target files or parameters should I choose ? thank you all…
Best regards, Onur

Best Answer

thanks for the attached file. after the work I`m gonna try it,
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