MATLAB: Simulink block for determining output value based on a simple if statement regarding the input value

if statementsimulink

Is there a Simulink block where I can determine the output value of a block based on a simple if statement regarding the input value to the block?
For example, I'm looking for a block that can do something similar to the following snippet of code
%u1 is the input to the block and u2 is the output if u1 > threshold u2 = 1 elseif u1 < -threshold u2 = -1 else u2 = 0; end I'm aware that I could do this by placing a MATLAB function in my Simulink block diagram, but I'm thinking for something this simple, there's probably some built-in Simulink block for doing this. The Simulink "if" block (<>) does not seem to what I'm looking for. Is there some other block that can do what I want?
Thank you,

Best Answer

I think switch block does exactly what you are looking for.
For multiple if-else conditions, you can simply nest the switch blocks in the same manner as you would do while writing code using if-else condition.
Hope this helps.