
ok my problem, in simulink, is that I have a function like:
and V=[v1,…,vn] should be a vector and now I would like to calculat thees function for every vector entry and then get back the new vector.
How can I simulat this in Simulink?

Best Answer

The Integrator block supports vector signals. So, try this...
1. Add an Integrator block to the model. Set the initial condition of the Integrator block to be a vector of n elements, one for each of the equations you'd like to integrate. The input to the Integrator is df/dt, and the output is f.
2. Calculate df/dt. To do this, you will have to use a Gain block to multiply f by a the V vector. By default, the Gain block will use element-wise multiplication, and so each equation would be multiplied by the correct v parameter.
Hope this helps!