MATLAB: Simulation of coupled partial differential equation using MATLAB.


I am trying to simulate a model for cake baking using a coupled mass and heat transfer system. The equations are as given in the attachment.
I need to find out profile for Temperature and moisture content(X). Please suggest a method which I can use. If you have any code which can be used, it would be of great help if you can give me that too.

Best Answer

I took a look at your attachment and think I understand most, but not all, of the problem you are trying to solve (I don't understand the convection term in the PDE, for example).
My first thought was that you could use the pdepe function because it appears you have only one spatial variable, x. However, you have a non-diagonal "mass" matrix which pdepe can not handle.
I think that PDE Toolbox,
can probably solve this. You might want to start with this example:
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