MATLAB: Simulation of a coupled ODE-transport PDE system


Hi all!
The considered system is coupling an ordinary differential equation and a transport equation with potential term. The system is given by :
DX/Dt = A*X(t) + B*z(1,t)
dz(x,t)/dx + c*dz(x,t)/dt + h*z(x,t) = 0
z(0,t) = C*X(t) + D*z(1,t)
z(x,0) = z0
X(t=0) = X0
I want to simulate this system on Matlab, but I don't really know how to do it. I've already tested the Matlab function Pdedp but it doesn't work for this kind of systems. Thank you for your help!

Best Answer

There are no ready-to-use MATLAB tools available for your system of equations.
Discretize the PDE (2nd equation) in space and use ODE15S to solve the resulting system of ordinary differential equations (1st and 2nd equation).
Look up "method-of-lines" for more details.
Best wishes
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