MATLAB: Simscape run-time parameter in code generation

code generationSimscapeSimscape Multibodysimulinksimulink coder

Below is a simple Simscape model of a pendulum. I generated reusable C++ code using Simulink Coder (grt_rtw) and it works fine. But I could not locate or generate a run-time paramter to be available for tuning in the generated code, details below:
I have set the State Targets > Specify Position Target > Value as a run-time parameter (see below) and have set the Configuration Parameters > Code Generation > Optimization > Default parameter behavior to be Tunable and configured the run-time parameter variable as ExportedGlobal.
My problem is I still could not locate this run-time parameter variable in the generated code. I want to be able to change the value of this parameter in the generated code without regenerating the code again. How can I get this parameter in the generated code and where will it be in the generated code (which file and data structure)?
Thanks. Any help is appreciated!

Best Answer

Hi Ramkumar
It should be visible in the Interface parameter in the generated code. Publish the report and the parameter shall appear. Remember that run-time for structured Simscape parameters is only supported from 2020a.
Best Regards Juan (MathWorks)