MATLAB: Simscape Pneumatic Piston Chamber or Translational Mechanical Converter Displacement Sensor Problem

displacementpneumaticSimscapeSimscape Fluids

I have created a simscape gas /pneumatic model as the attached picture
I see that the displacement of output of the piston is zero as the force going to about 100000..N
I dont understand that i have no displacement while i have huge forces on my model . Where is the problem.

Best Answer

The problem appears to be the way you have the force sensor connected. The equations of the force sensor require the mechanical connections on either side to have the same velocity. Here's the equation:
v == 0;
where v is the relative velocity across the sensor. This means that the force sensor is rigid. In turn your chamber is rigidly connected to ground on both sides and cannot move.
If you like, you can think of the force sensor as an ideal rigid connection that outputs the force required to maintain that connection.
I reccomend that you put the force sensor inline with the spring between the chamber and the spring. This will rigidly connect the chamber to the spring and output the force requred to mainain the spring-chamber connection.