MATLAB: Simscape multibody simulation model extrusion

#3d dynamic simulationmultibody simulationphysical modelingSimscapeSimscape Multibody

Hello there,
I am trying to do a 3D dynamic simulation using simscape module this is my first time that i am using matlab the project that iam working is related to a dynamic simulation of a gantry crane consisting of a winch mechanism for lifiting the weight and lead screw mechanism for supporting horizontal movement. I have understood the basics from the youtube tutorials that are availabe although i have some doubts regarding model extrusions. My question is that if i have make a hole inside a cube but only for a limted length how suld i approach it should i divide the cube into two parts and make complete solid block as one and hole part as another solid with a through hole and align them or is there a way to design the hole body at a time.
thanks in advance
one more thing if there is any one who could teach me simscape i would thankful to them as the project is related to my on going thesis work

Best Answer

Hi Ramesh,
you can’t do that in this case without several bodies since a cube can’t be built as a revoluted extrusion around the vertical axis.
It would have worked if it was a cylinder with a partial hole. However, there is a ready made library where compounds are already built.
Check it out
Regards Juan