MATLAB: Simscape driveline piston model

drivelineengineinternal combustionpistonSimscapeSimscape Drivelinesingle

Hi, I am trying to model a single piston internal combustion engine using the "Piston" block however I did not manage to get it running. I do not have any errors but for some reason I am not getting any rotation or torque output at the shaft except in the beginning when I am using a starter motor to start the engine. I might be doing something wrong but documentation on the site is very limited. Is there someone who has a working example that he can share with me please? Simulink file is attached.
Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

Hello Matthew, You could consider taking a look at sdl_engine_testbed. It has three Piston Engine blocks. When the Piston Engine block is used without shaft dynamics or viscous friction, it is made of just Piston blocks. It may be that there is insufficient inertia attached the Piston so that it is not able to get through top dead center and bottom dead center.
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