MATLAB: Simplifying solution of a differential equation


The most simplified version of ySol(t), the solution to the differential equation below, is 1.5*sin(2t+0.7297), but the output of the following code is in terms of exponential functions. Can someone explain how the output can be further simplified?
syms y(t) m k
Dy = diff(y,t); Dy2 = diff(y,t,2);
ode = m*Dy2 + k*y == 0;
cond = [y(0) == 1,Dy(0) == sqrt(5)];
ySol(t) = dsolve(ode,cond)
ySol(t) = simplify(ySol(t),'steps',500)

Best Answer

m = rand(); k = rand();
syms y(t)
Dy = diff(y,t);
Dy2 = diff(y,t,2);
ode = m*Dy2 + k*y == 0;
cond = [y(0) == 1,Dy(0) == sqrt(5)];
ySol(t) = dsolve(ode,cond)
ySol(t) = 
ySol(t) = simplify(ySol(t),'steps',500)
ySol(t) = 
/ sqrt(43198488722811199054095930230) t \ sqrt(8639697744562239810819186046) sin| ------------------------------------- | 5 / sqrt(43198488722811199054095930230) t \ \ 157178273090335 / cos| ------------------------------------- | + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ 157178273090335 / 274837532398538
vpa(ySol(t), 5)
ans =