MATLAB: Simplifying output involving symbolic variables

simplifying symbolic

The eigenvalue and eigenvector expressions generated by the following code are expressions that are not fully simplified. Can someone please explain how they can be further simplified?
syms m k g l wp ws
mm = [m 0; 0 m];
kms = [ws^2+wp^2 -wp^2; -wp^2 wp^2]
[evec,eval] = eig(kms)

Best Answer

Try this:
evec = simplify(evec, 'Steps',500)
eval = simplify(eval, 'Steps',500)
evec =
[((4*wp^4 + ws^4)^(1/2) - ws^2)/(2*wp^2), -((4*wp^4 + ws^4)^(1/2) + ws^2)/(2*wp^2)]
[ 1, 1]
eval =
[wp^2 - (4*wp^4 + ws^4)^(1/2)/2 + ws^2/2, 0]
[ 0, (4*wp^4 + ws^4)^(1/2)/2 + wp^2 + ws^2/2]