MATLAB: “simplify” doesn’t work properly

simplifysymbolicSymbolic Math Toolbox

Dear Matlab users;
I have a problem when I use symbolic toolbox. When it gives the result in symbolic, even though I use simplify comment, it doesn't work properly as I want it to be.
I will give a similar example here, since the actual one is a bit long:
When I calculate the result myself by hand, I get;
sin(x)+cos(x) .
But MATLAB gives the result as I written above.
How can I fix this?
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Choosing the correct function is important. Without knowing your actual expression (so I do not know if this is appropriate for it), expand or isolate rather than simplify may be most appropriate:
syms x
Eq = 2*(sin(x)*1/2+cos(x)*1/2);
R = expand(Eq)
R =
cos(x) + sin(x)