MATLAB: Simplest adaptive thresholding custom code

adaptive thresholdcustom adaptive thresholding codeImage Acquisition ToolboxImage Processing Toolbox

Hi all,
I got this far with the adaptive thresholding, Can a professional explain my errors please?
i am trying to do an adaptive thresholding via (Custom For Loop)manual coding!!
I am not sure if this can work! need a break down of what should happen please!!
Thanks in advance!!
function adthres;
[row col]=size(x);
for i=1:1:n
for j=1:n
x = i – n/2;
y = j – n/2;
j(i,j) = exp(-(x*x)/two_sigma_sq);

Best Answer

adaptive thresholding menas, the threshold value is not fixed, its depends on image or input data
In the first view, This code is messed. As you defined j=1:n, here j is scalar, also j(i,j)>> Here j >> representing vector. I didnot find any statement, which relate to calculate the threshold value or replacing vector elements based the threshold.
This statement finding the each element of 2D vector/matrix