MATLAB: Simpler way without for loops

matlab functionmatricesmatrix manipulation

How can I implement this without using for loops?
for i = 1:i_rows
Mat_NX3(i,1) = (Mat_A_3D (idx(i,1), idx(i,2), 1) );
Mat_NX3(i,2) = (Mat_A_3D (idx(i,1), idx(i,2), 2) );
Mat_NX3(i,3) = (Mat_A_3D (idx(i,1), idx(i,2), 3) );
  • Mat_NX3 is the output N X 3 matrix
  • Mat_A_3D is a 3D matrix
  • idx is a matrix with 2 columns, (index points) telling which co-ordinate values should be copied from Mat_A_3D into Mat_NX3. It has i_rows number of rows
Example if
Mat_A_3D (:,:,1) = [1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9];
Mat_A_3D (:,:,2) = [1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9];
Mat_A_3D (:,:,3) = [1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9];
idx = [1,1
Mat_NX3 = [1 1 1;
9 9 9];

Best Answer

I would just keep the for-loops.
Alternatively, you could use sub2ind to build a linear index from the pieces and then index with it:
% Size
sz = size(Mat_A_3D);
% First page only
idx = sub2ind(sz,idx(:,1),idx(:,2));
% Add second and third pages:
idx3 = bsxfun(@plus,idx,(0:sz(3)-1)*sz(1)*sz(2));
MatNX3 = Mat_A_3D(idx3)