MATLAB: Simple vector question.


function vec = weave(in1, in2)
a = length(in1);
b = length(in2);
l = max(a,b);
vec = zeros(1, 2.*l);
vec(1:2:2.*a) = in1;
vec(2:2:2.*b) = in2;
I'm trying to create a function that a larger vector where the values in the first vector are inserted in the odd indices and the values in the second vector are inserted in the even indices(weave). The condition is that f the two vectors are not the same length, the shorter vector should be extended by adding consecutive integers to the end. I figured out how to put put those vectors into the position but I couldn't figure out how to extend shorter vector by adding consecutive integers(I could only figure out to fill that with same integers.) What would be the solution?
  • For example, [5 4 1 8 9 1] [7 3 5 5] becomes [5 7 4 3 1 5 8 5 9 6 1 7] instead of [5 7 4 3 1 5 8 5 9 0 1 0].

Best Answer

One approach:
in1 = [5 4 1 8 9 1];
in2 = [7 3 5 5];
cin = {in1; in2}; % Create Cell Array For Addressing Convenience
Lin = [length(in1) length(in2)]; % Vector Lengths
Ldif = abs(Lin(1)-Lin(2)); % Length Difference
[~,Lmin] = min(Lin); % Find Vector With Minimum Length
cin{Lmin} = [cin{Lmin} cin{Lmin}(end)+[1:Ldif]]; % Extend Shorter Vector As Desired
vec = zeros(1, 2*max(Lin)); % Preallocate
vec(1:2:end) = cin{1}; % Weave Odd Elements
vec(2:2:end) = cin{2}; % Weave Even Elements
vec =
5 7 4 3 1 5 8 5 9 6 1 7