MATLAB: Simple table (uitable)


i have got a problem with a simple table.
vMMI2 and vsig are vectors (1×41)
How can i achieve, that the 2 column names are above the two . I want the table to be displayed in the command window
There is no Daten property on the Table class.
This is my code:
%Ausgabe der optimierten Parameterwerte als Tabelle
data = vMMI2', vsig';
colnames = {'Michaelis-Menten mit Substratinhibierung', 'Sigomidale Kinetik'};
disp(uitable(f, 'Daten', data, 'ColumnName', colnames, 'Position', [20 20 260 100]));

Best Answer

uitable is only for graphic use . you should use
table(vMMI2.', vsig.', 'VariableNames', colnames)