MATLAB: Simple logical statement

if statementlogical?

Hi I have a question about logical statements.
I have a data set which includes some positive and some negative observations. I need to transform this data set is such a way that all observations that are positive become zero and those that are negative stay the same. What I have is the following:
SP_prices = xlsread('SP500_plusyear.xls', 'b2:b2780');
SP_returns = log(SP_prices(2:end)) – log(SP_prices(1:end-1));
SP_returns_extra = SP_returns(2527:end);
if (SP_returns_extra > 0)
{then SP_returns_extra = 0}
But this doesn't work, so I was wondering how I can change what I have to make it work. Thanks.

Best Answer

SP_returns_extra(SP_returns_extra>0) = 0;