MATLAB: Simple Integration

explicit integral could not be foundintintegration

Hi there,
I am new to MATLAB and have a simple question regarding the integration.
I have two expressions:
syms c L;
first = int( exp(-(L-3)^2/2, c, Inf);
second = int (first * exp(-(c-5)^2/.5), -Inf, Inf);
It gives me the integral of the first expression however on the second it says "Explicit integral could not be found". Then I also tried with quad but no avail.
what should I do to evaluate the second integral?
Many Thanks.

Best Answer

QUADGK works better for integrals that go to infinity:
syms c L;
first = int( exp(-(L-3)^2/2), c, Inf);
second = matlabFunction (first * exp(-(c-5)^2/.5));