MATLAB: Simple Explaination of the Rate Limiter Block

MATLABrate limitersimulink

I am experimenting with the Rate Limiter block attempting to create a signal resembling a Trapezoid from a Square wave. I am having some trouble with the slew rates, are these slew rates in vertical units (Volts, Amps, ect…) per second? My square wave has an amplitude of 5 V and a pulse width of 200 nano seconds. However setting rising and falling slew rates does not perform as expected. Any tips for controlling the slew rates are appreciated

Best Answer

Specifing the slew rate as e.g. 5/(25*10e-9) and -5/(25*10e-9) should give you a Trapezoid form. Specify the fixed simulation step size as 10e-9, run simulation from 0 to 2e-6