MATLAB: Simple clear script


Hello all,
I feel a little silly asking this question, but I'm trying to write a little one-line function to clear out my interface to help me while I'm writing and debugging code. All the function does is run clear;clc;close; so I don't have to type that in every time.
function cc
However, the function won't clear any variables that exist outside of the function, which makes sense, but I can't figure out how to work around this.
For example:
test = [1 4 52 45 131 5 3]; figure; cc;
This successfully clears the command window and closes the figure, but does not clear test from the workspace. Is there any way around this? I tried clear all and clear global, but obtained the same result.

Best Answer

don't make it a function
Just let it be a MATLAB script (Then it will run in the scope its called)
Currently, since its a function, it runs in the function scope
save as cc.m should do the trick