MATLAB: SimMechanics XML Import issues

data importMATLABsimmechanicsSimscape

So I have a assembly that I have exported from Creo 3.0 using the second generation option. Now using MATLAB R2015a I am trying to import the Physical Modeling XML file to generate the SimMechanics block diagram model with this file. So I use:
Which just returns an error:
Error using PMImport.ModelReader (line 33)
"XML Read error" while attempting to read file
Error in PMImport.ModelUpdater (line 16)
Error in PMImport.pmiu_import (line 73)
Error in mech_import (line 97)
Is it possible that the XML file has been generated incorrectly? Maybe the tool was configured wrong? Should I be using the simport function instead?

Best Answer

I have found the issue. My Own Incompetence. Using the command:
Does not work for some reason that have not found. However if I use the command:
Not the command that I thought it was:
After correcting this I was able to import the XML file generating the needed block diagram.
Oh well.
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