MATLAB: Similar to wind rose


Hi. I am looking for something like a wind rose, but with scatter points instead. I have vector Direction=[15,78,66,39,254,345]; and also vector Measurement=[1.1,1.2,0.9,2.0,0.8,1.6]; Now I would like to have each value, not as a histogram, but as a scatter point in the circular plot. The farther the point is away from origin, the larger the value should be. The angle from y-axis should be the same as the value in Direction, oriented to the right. So 90 is in east direction.
All suggestions and ideas are very much appreciated!

Best Answer

Best answer for all future noobies like me to solve this is : add view(90,-90) on the row after your plot, and everything looks perfect! Dont bother about altering your input data, it is not neccessary, atleast not for me.