MATLAB: SImDriveline Tyre (tire) model & rolling resistance

magic formularolling resistancesimdrivelineSimscape Drivelinetiretyre

I am developing a simple driveline model using simDriveline to replace my simulink version. Everything is going well so far and i have a good correlation between my two models except that the torques in the system are too low. The differences appear to be almost exactly the same as the tyre rolling resistance i was using previously.
I have been searching the internet and help pages for further info on the tye magic formula and rolling resistance. I have played around with the compliance and peak longitudinal force, but nothing I do seems to make any difference to the torque at the wheels during steady speed.
Could anybody point me in the direction of how I can properly include tyre rolling resistance. I have the values in N/(m/s).
Many Thanks

Best Answer

I happened to see this old question, and wanted to chime in. Rolling resistance was added to the tire blocks (and as a separate block) in R2012b. It uses the normal force (among other things) to compute the resistance, so it may not be exactly what you are looking for.
Your model is using a resistive force in N/(m/s). This is essentially a linear damper. You could connect a translational damper between the tire hub and ground.