MATLAB: Simbiology, trigger change in reaction rate


Hi everyone, this feels like it should be easy, but I can't figure it out.
I have a simple reaction A–>B following a given custom reaction rate. I want to add a delay. Using the event trigger I tried two approaches:
  1. time<1800 B=0
  2. time<1800 Imax=0 (Imax is the reaction rate)
However, in both cases the reaction is evaluated as if nothing ever changed. Any suggestions? What am I missing? (for completeness, in the actual model there are upstream components that funnel into A)
Thanks a lot!
Cheers, Michael

Best Answer

Okay, seemingly it only works the other way round.
set the initial value of a parameter to 0 and then:
time>1800 then parameter=new_value
Furthermore, if you want to conditionally compare a quantity different from time one needs to multiply with another parameter equal to one that has the respective unit.
Example: let the unit of X be 'Molarity', then then the event has to look like this:
X>10000*unit_parameter unit_parameter is a globally defined parameter of value 1 with the unit 'Molarity'