MATLAB: Simbiology, parameter scan, Attempt to reference field of non-structure array error

parameter scansimbiolgySimBiology

Hi everyone, I want to scan over a set of parameters. Currently however, I always get the error: "Attempt to reference field of non-structure array" after the simulation is run exactly once. I tried whether it was a problem with that specific parameter – it isn't. Also turning off parts of the simulation doesn't help.
I don't know how to approach this problem since this has worked before and I didn't fundamentally change my model.
Any ideas? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Michael
Edit: As requested: Windows 10 x64 Home Matlab 2015a Simbiology 5.2
@Arthur Goldspie: I only have that particular project I am working on at the moment that has this problem. Here is a link to download it, feel free to check it out. click
Thank you!

Best Answer

Hi Michael,
The error happens because there is a clash between the parameter named "count" in your model and an internal variable named count. You can work around this by renaming the parameter to something other than "count" e.g: counter.
We are planning on fixing this in a future release.