MATLAB: Simbiology Error- Invalid assignment syntax or parse error for rule


I am exercising on the article of Tzafriri et al(2004) titled "Analysis of compartmental models of ligand induced endocytosis" with simbiology. However I am taking the error above according to my rate rules and I don't know how to correct them. Can you please help me? The screenshots of my simbiology project are attached below.

Best Answer

When you write a rate rule in SimBiology, you don't write the d/dt on the left-hand side of the equations. For example, the first rate should be
L = (-kf*L*Rs+kr*Cs)*(n/Nav)
Also note the red indicators to the right of the rules. These indicate a problem. If you hover your mouse over the indicator, you might get useful debugging information.
Good luck!
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