MATLAB: Signal lost after discrete integrator block

arduinofilterintegrationsignal processingsimulink

The signal enters the block perfectly but the output of the block is null, the scope of this output shows nothing. The same happends aswell with the integration I am making adding the signal with a delay to the current signal, after the sum block it disapears. I show here my program in sumulink:
this is where I lost the signal, after the discatrate integrator block at the top and the sum block between the 2 gains and the delay block.
The signals come from this other block:
And this is what the scopes show at the filter where I lost the signal:
Signal before integration.
"Signal" once integrated
What I should change to get the proper integration? All this program is running on an Arduino Mega 2560.

Best Answer

Your problem is that you're using a clock(continuous) to divide after the first integration that makes the signal continuous, so when you try to integrate it again with the discrete blocks simulink fails. Try changing the clock in the division to another discrete block.
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