MATLAB: .shp and .xyz files mapped with geoshow

bathymetrygeoshowMapping Toolboxmapshowxyz data

I have the bathymetry of a lake and its surrounding area as a .shp and .xyz files and I am trying to plot a 2-d bathymetric map with contour lines at specific depths. When I use the .shp with geoshow I cannot define the contour lines as it plots the data as line:
g1=geoshow('lake_contour.shp','DisplayType', 'contour');
Warning: Function GEOSHOW expected DisplayType 'contour'
to match Geometry 'Line'.
GEOSHOW is ignoring the DisplayType value.
I also tried using griddata to interpolate the xyz data, and then used geoshow, which worked fine BUT griddata produced artefacts on the land area as I have only the depth of the lake and the surrounding rivers and not the land elevation.
How can I get around this?

Best Answer

If your .xyz file was created with GMT there's a good chance you can use xyz2grid to get the bathymetry into a 2D grid, then you can display the bathymetry with contouring or pcolor functions.
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