MATLAB: Showing the intersection points

graphlinear intersectionstraight line

Now I am plotting a graph of function by using
A = [1 9];
B = [1 9];
axis([0 10 0 10])
hold on
hold off
As the graph is shown below
Thus, the next step i need to get the points value that it pass along For this case it will be (2,2), (3,3), (4,4), …etc
How do I write my next command to let the matlab showing the value of all intersection points (better if can decide how many points i need)

Best Answer

A = [1 9];
B = [1 9];
n = 10; % Number of intermediate points
AA = linspace(A(1), A(2), n);
BB = linspace(B(1), B(2), n);
plot(AA, BB, '-*')