MATLAB: Showing more than one image in a GUIDE gui


I have a GUIDE gui that worked fine for a while, until I try to put a new image in axes for a logo.
% Plot the background and the logo: Background on axes2, logo on axes3
dir_name = ['C:\Users\',login,'\Desktop'];
wiggle_file_name = [dir_name,'\wiggles3.jpg'];
if exist(wiggle_file_name,'file')
logo_file_name = [dir_name,'\ctrl_v_logo.jpg'];
% imshow(logo_file_name); % Overwrites axes2
imshow(logo_file_name,handles.axes3); %doesn't work
Any suggestions? I am not sure why the first image goes to axes2, this is at the beginning of the OpeningFcn
Doug Anderson

Best Answer

Douglas - perhaps try
imshow(logo_file_name, 'Parent', handles.axes3);
where you include the Parent name for the axes value.