MATLAB: Show rectified Stereo Calibration

stereo camera calibration

I have a question about the Stereo Camera Calibrator from the Visual Tool Box I have done a stereo calibration of two cameras. Now I would like to view the rectified images side by side so that the same pixels in both images represent the same object. Inside the Stereo Camera Calibrator there is the show rectified button. Is this button also available as a "code", so that I can bring pictures without the chessboard next to each other?
because with the "imshow(stereoAnaglyph(J1_valid,J2_valid);") command, the images lie on top of each other, and it is difficult to continue working with them.

Best Answer

From my understanding you looking for a function that can be used in code/MATLAB script to show rectified stereo images. There is a rectifyStereoImages function in computer vision toolbox which could solve you problem.
For more information and details about other function, Stereo Vision documentation might be helpful for your application.
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