MATLAB: Should the “Receiver Thermal Noise” block affect the signal strength

Communications Toolboxnoisereceiverthermal

Best Answer

The "Receiver Thermal Noise" block should not change the signal's strength at its peaks (i.e. dB). It does however add noise around the band of interest.
In this case, other filtering blocks are likely affecting the signal strength - it should not be related to the "Receiver Thermal Noise" block.
Consider the following when working with this type of high frequency model:
1. Plot multiple signals on one analyzer when possible to avoid mismatches with different sampling frequencies.
2. Set your simulation run time to something small (say <1s) for quicker debugging (especially for high frequency signals).
3. Debug component wise and break up your model to analyze the frequency response of each individual part.
4. Be conscience of real vs. complex sine waves and always check the spectra to see if it is the desired shape before any manipulations (sending to a product block, filtering, etc.)