MATLAB: Short question: Functions with multiple outputs


I have seen two formalism for functions with more then one output:
function [output1, output2] = functionname(input)
or the same with the outputs not being separated by a coma:
function [output1 output2] = functionname(input)
what's the difference?

Best Answer

There is no Difference, as both the syntax are correct.First nomenclature is preferred as it is easy to understand. And if you have notice that while creating a vector e.g. a=[1 2 3]
a =
1 2 3
>> a=[1 ,2, 3]
a =
1 2 3
both are same. Similarly in the above function output syntax, the return value of your function is getting store in output1, output2. and so both the syntax are same and have same impact on your code.