MATLAB: Shallow Neural Network with Stochastic Gradient Descent

Deep Learning Toolboxfeedforwardnetmini batch updateneural networksstochastic gradient descent

I am looking to design a shallow neural network with the gradient descent algorithm. From what I can find from research and Googling, the old Neural Networks toolbox didn't have this option. I understand the options I am looking for are available with the CNN functions. But I just need a simple multilayered Aritificial Neural Network with stochastic gradient descent. I have the neural network setup with feedforwardnet but I can't find any function for stochastic gradient descent as a training function, i.e. no mini-Batches.
So far, I have the simple gradient descent: net.trainFcn = 'traingd';
Am I missing something? Or coding it from scratch is the only option?

Best Answer

The following command lists all the training functions available:
help nntrain
From the output I can see that stochastic gradient descent is not there in case of shallow neural networks.
Since that you want a simple Multilayered ANN, refer to List of Deep Learning Layers & use appropriate layer from Input Layers followed by fullyconnectedLayers & appropriate Output Layer. Then use the 'sgdm' in trainingOptions.
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