MATLAB: Shading an area between two intervals on a plot

filling curvesMATLABshading areas

Hi everyone.
I have a vector of length 100 which I have plotted to yield a graph. I would like to shade the area under the graph segmented by the two lines using the area function.
I have tried the following code and it is unfortunate that it sheds the whole area. Any help will be appreciated.
iz=linspace(15,20,6); % iz is the interval between the two xlines
yz=(FF(:,15:20)); % FF is the vector that generates the plot
area(iz,yz) % this should give me the area between two, shaded
Any corrections or better pointers are welcome.

Best Answer

It is likely not possible to use area for this, since that is not how it was designed to be used.
It is possible to use patch, however.
Try this:
x = linspace(0, 100);
y = x.*exp(-0.07*x);
plot(x, y)
q2 = ylim;
hold on
L = (x>15) & (x<20);
patch([x(L) fliplr(x(L))], [y(L), ones(1,nnz(L))*min(ylim)],'r')
hold off