MATLAB: Shaded Contour and Line Contour in one CONTOURF

two contour plots in one

I have a matrix A=m x n; X=m x 1; Y=n x 1; contourf(X,Y,A','linestyle','none')
I wish to superpose another matrix B (m*n) "in LINE CONTOUR" onto the previous
Please help…
It would be great if I knew to plot matrix B both in single color line with values written in between, or a contour with different color scheme….

Best Answer

Yea that's fairly easy. An example:
[~,h1]=contourf(A,'linestyle','none');hold on
[c,h2]=contour(B,'linecolor',[0 0 0])
The second to last row makes sure that h2 is always drawn on top, although this case its not needed.