MATLAB: Shade Area Between 2 Tabulated Plots.

importing excel datamultipleplot

I have written a script which plots 2 curves from excel data. Could someone please help me as to how I can shade the area between the 2 curves?
This is my Script:
UserDir = 'C:\Users\****\Downloads\Test.xlsx';
SheetNameA = 'Sheet1';
Y_Values = readtable(UserDir,'Sheet',SheetNameA,'Range','A2:A150');
X_Values1 = readtable(UserDir,'Sheet',SheetNameA,'Range','C2:C150');
X_Values2 = readtable(UserDir,'Sheet',SheetNameA,'Range','D2:D150');
Y_data = Y_Values{:,1};
X_Data1 = X_Values1{:,1};
X_Data2 = X_Values2{:,1};
hold on
hold off
Please see the attached excel sheet (and change the UserDir).
To Clarify I would like something like this:
Thanks Everyone!

Best Answer

This is as close as I can get:
Y_Values = readtable(UserDir,'Sheet',SheetNameA,'Range','A2:A150','ReadVariableNames',0);
X_Values1 = readtable(UserDir,'Sheet',SheetNameA,'Range','C2:C150','ReadVariableNames',0);
X_Values2 = readtable(UserDir,'Sheet',SheetNameA,'Range','D2:D150','ReadVariableNames',0);
Y_data = Y_Values{:,1};
X_Data1 = X_Values1{:,1};
X_Data2 = X_Values2{:,1};
Y_data = Y_data(~isnan(Y_data));
X_Data1 = X_Data1(~isnan(X_Data1));
X_Data2 = X_Data2(~isnan(X_Data2));
hold on
patch([X_Data1(1:end-2); X_Data2(end-1); flipud([X_Data2(1:end-2); X_Data1(end-1)])], [Y_data(1:end-1); flipud(Y_data(1:end-1))], 'r')
hold off
xlim([750 960])
There were a number of NaN values in your vectors that were interfering with the subscript referencing. I had to eliminate them, however their elimination do not appear to have affected the result. There were also some straight lines at the tops of each curve that I had to eliminate (they would have made the patch call much more difficult), thus the ‘(1:end-2)’ indexing. The concatenation of the vectors is necessary to join the curves at both ends, to create a filled figure.
This code then produces:
Shade Area Between 2 Tabulated Plots - 2019 10 12.png
I could not isolate the problem with the area at the top of the filled area.
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