MATLAB: Several Operations Within a Matrix Matlab


i'd like someone with knowledge on matlab to help me sort this out, the plan is to write a script as follow
it starts reading numbers on column 2 and check in column 3 one if they are repeated: The Condition is, if a number in column 2 is repeated more than one time in column 3, the corresponding values in column 4 will be summed up, if a number from column 2 is not repeated or only repeated one time in column 3, its corresponding value in column 4 will be left as it is. The obtained values would be generated in a vector. the letters were put there just for explanation here is an example to try with
data=[0 1 0 0
1 2 1 200
2 3 1 300
3 4 1 400
4 5 2 500
5 6 3 600
6 7 4 700
7 8 5 800
8 9 5 900
9 10 5 1000
10 11 6 1100
11 12 7 1200
12 13 7 1300];
this would be the desired result
v=[(200+300+400) 200 300 400 (800+900+1000) 600 (1200+1300) 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300]
waiting on any ideas.Thank you programmers !

Best Answer

data=[0 1 0 0
1 2 1 200
2 3 1 300
3 4 1 400
4 5 2 500
5 6 3 600
6 7 4 700
7 8 5 800
8 9 5 900
9 10 5 1000
10 11 6 1100
11 12 7 1200
12 13 7 1300];
D = diff(data(2:end,3),1);
E = [false;~D] | [~D;false];
tmp = cumsum(diff([false;E])>0);
out = data(:,4);
idx = data([false;diff([false;E])>0],3);
out(idx) = accumarray(tmp(E),data([false;E],4));
And this code's output compared to your example output:
>> [out,v]
ans =
900 900
200 200
300 300
400 400
2700 2700
600 600
2500 2500
800 800
900 900
1000 1000
1100 1100
1200 1200
1300 1300