MATLAB: Setup axis using plotyy

MATLABsetup axis properties after using plotyy() command

I'm trying to setup the length of my axes after using plotyy() command. Can anybody told me how to do that?
The command "axis([xmin,xmax,ymin, ymax])" doesn't work correctly, becouse of plotyy (i have 2 axis).
I want to set up the length of both axes ('y1' and 'y2'). I hope anybode could help me 🙂

Best Answer

[AX,H1,H2] = plotyy(x1,y1,x2,y2)
set(AX(1),'xlim',[xmin1 xmax1],'ylim',[ymin1 ymax1])
set(AX(2),... ) for the second axis