MATLAB: Setting variable names inside function based on input arguement in MATLAB


I have code that looks like this:
str = '';
x = NaN;
while isnan(x)
x = str2double(input([str, 'Enter a value for x: '], 's'));
str = 'Please enter a number. ';
str = '';
y = NaN;
while isnan(y)
y = str2double(input([str, 'Enter a value for y: '], 's'));
str = 'Please enter a number. ';
The two blocks are identical in use and the only difference is that one uses x as the variable name whilst the other uses y as the variable name.
I was wondering if there was a way to create a function which is able to take in the variable name as its input arguement and be able to set the variable names inside that function as well as what is displayed in terms of the input arguement.
Something like:
x = testNum(x); % Error using testNum; Too many output arguments.
y = testNum(y);
z = x + y;
fprintf("Sum is %d", z)
function testNum(~)
str = '';
val = NaN;
while isnan(val)
val = str2double(input([str, 'Enter a value for %s: '], 's')); % Not sure how to get variable name to appear in this format
str = 'Please enter a number. ';
A few problems I have with this is that there are too many output arguements for when I'm initialising x and y. Another thing is that I'm not sure on the formatting of text when using an array for input.
Essentially, I would want it so that one function is able to take in the variable names that it is initialised with so that if I had multiple input lines, I would be able to have one function to check all inputs. Alternatively it would probably be preferable for the input line to be outside the function to account for any lines that might want specific text to be displayed rather than generic text.

Best Answer

function ans=testNum(z)
str = '';
while isnan(ans)
input([str, 'Enter a value for ',z,': ']);
str = 'Please enter a number. ';
Then just execute the function.
And x will equal whatever number you enter.