MATLAB: Setting UI table size to start from the top row and have a scroll bar


Hello I am trying to plot data in a table but when I set it to size automatically, I lose my scroll bar and hence the ability to see data on top of the figure. The only way for me to do that is to increase my window size, which in this case is unreasonable. I want the output of this function to be a figure where the first row of the table is at the top and there is a scroll wheel on the right hand side.
figfig = figure('Name','Final Results','NumberTitle','off');clf;
X = rand(150,9);
XCell = cellstr(string(X));
A(1:150,1:9) = string("#FFFFFF");
A = cellstr(A);
outHtml = strcat('<html><table border=0 width=400 bgcolor=', ...
A, ... % Choose the appropriate color for each cell
'"><TR><TD>', ...
XCell, ... % Convert num data to cell of chars
u = uitable(figfig,'Data',outHtml);
table_extent = get(u,'Extent');
figure_size = get(figfig,'outerposition');
desired_fig_size = [figure_size(1) figure_size(2) table_extent(3)+15 table_extent(4)+65];
set(u,'outerposition',[1 1 table_extent(3) table_extent(4)])
set(figfig,'outerposition', desired_fig_size);

Best Answer

Not sure why you're using HTML here...
u = uitable(figfig,'Data',outHtml,'Units','normalized','OuterPosition',[0,0,1,1]);
Then remove the other lines dealing with the uitable size/position.