MATLAB: Set up Windows Firewall for Simulink Real-Time (SLRT)

firewallreal timesimulinkslrtwindows

There is an issue with the Windows firewall preventing access to SLRT targets. How do I set up a rule in Windows Firewall to allow access to SLRT targets ?

Best Answer

First, confirm the anti-virus software is "windows defender":
[~,antivirus]=system('WMIC /Node:localhost /Namespace:\\root\SecurityCenter2 Path AntiVirusProduct Get displayName /Format:List');
This article outlines a suggested firewall rule that aims to allow all incoming/outgoing traffic between the host and target IP adress.
1) Type “windows firewall with advanced security” in Window’s search
2) Open “Windows Firewall with Advanced Security”
3) Click on “Inbound Rules” in the left-hand side pane
4) Click on “New Rule …” in the right-hand side pane
5) Select "Custom" in the 'Rule Type' pane. Click Next
6) Select 'All programs' in the 'Program' pane and click “Next”
7) In the 'Protocol and Ports' pane select 'Any' for Protocol Type. Click “Next”
8) Now in the 'Scope' pane - add the IP address of the host in 'which local IP addresses does this rule apply to'. This is shown in 1. In the 'Which remote IP addresses does this rule apply to' pane - add the targets IP address. This is shown by 2.
9) In the 'Action' Pane, click on 'Allow the connection'.
10) In the 'Profile' pane - s select the appropriate profile and click “Next”
11) Give the rule a name and click “Finish”
12)* *Repeat steps 4-11 and create an outbound rule.