MATLAB: Set union of Datastores with TransformedDatastores

augmentedimagedatastoreComputer Vision ToolboxDeep Learning Toolboximagedatastoretransform

Given an imageDatastore and some transformation of it, e.g.,
imds1 = imageDatastore({'street1.jpg','peppers.png'});
imds2 = transform(imds1,@(x) imwarp(x,tform));
I would like to form the set union of these data stores in some way so that trainNetwork processes the series of images from both imds1 and imds2 as a single combined set (and similarly with the response data). Is this possible in some way?
I am aware that this functionality is somewhat captured by augmentedImageDatastore, but the operation I describe would open up a variety of data augmentation schemes not currently avaialble.
I am also aware of this thread,
but this does not cover what I am pursuing here, because the images in a TransformedDatastore are not physically stored anywhere (nor would I want them to be).

Best Answer

Horizontal (i.e. associated reads)
cds = combine(imds,otherds);
Vertical (i.e. joining two sets of files into one datastore)
imds = imageDatastore({'folder1/*.jpg','folder2/*.png'});
Or leave off the extensions
imds = imageDatastore({'folder1/','folder2/'});