MATLAB: Set default value textedit

gui defaultMATLAB

I am new in GUI. I have created some GUI script in order to process images that contains the following syntax:
function Num_seg_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if isempty(numseg) %I have also tried isnan
I would like to set 1 as the default value of a text edit object (numseg) which I use below in my code. This syntax is giving an error (Reference to non-existent field 'numseg') and it works only if I first write a number and then delete it. Does anyone have an idea of why is this occurring? Why it doesn't work the first time I run it?
I have also tried: if isnan(numseg) set (handles.numseg,'String',1); end …

Best Answer

In your OpeningFcn, you need to set a value for the numseg field. That way, the field exists in your handles struct and that other function can use it.